North Korea on Monday reported 8 new deaths and 392,920 more people with symptoms of fever in the middle of the Covid-19 outbreak who grew as the leader of Kim Jong Un condemning officials for delays in sending drugs and ordered his military to be involved in the Pandemic response in the country’s capital, Pyongyang.

The North Emergency Anti-Virus headquarters said more than 1.2 million people fell ill in the middle of the fast spread of fever since the end of April and around 564,860 are currently under quarantine. Eight new deaths reported in 24 hours to 6 nights. Sunday brought the death toll to 50.

Government media did not determine how many cases of fever and death were confirmed as COVID-19 cases. Experts say North Korea may not have supplies and testing equipment to confirm large amounts of Coronavirus infection and most of them rely on isolating people with symptoms in the shelter.

Experts say the failure to slow down viruses can have terrible consequences for North Korea, given the poor health care system. The population consisting of 26 million people is believed to have been mostly not vaccinated after their government avoids millions of shots offered by the US Covax distribution program, possibly more than concerns related to international monitoring requirements.

North Korea acknowledged its first covid outbreak last Thursday when announcing that a number of people who were not determined in Pyongyang were tested positive for the Omicron plague. Previously it has survived for more than two years for a wide doubtful claim about perfect notes that eliminate viruses that have spread to almost every place in the world.

Kim during the ruling party meeting, Politburo on Sunday criticized the government and health officials for what he described as a failure of a failure, saying the supply of state medicines was not supplied to the pharmacy on time because of “irresponsible work attitudes” and lack of organizations , North Korea’s official news agency said.

Politburo has issued an emergency order to immediately release and quickly distribute state medical reserves and so that the pharmacy switches to a 24-hour shift, but Kim said such steps are not applied correctly. Kim ordered that his military medical unit be involved in stabilizing medical supply in Pyongyang, KCNA said.

Government media previously said that workers were more than 1.3 million – including public health officials, teachers and medical students – mobilized to find people with fever or other symptoms so that they could be quarantined.

North Korea’s claim about perfect notes in maintaining viruses for 2 1/2 years is widely doubted. But the closure of the border is very tight, large-scale quarantine and propaganda that emphasizes anti-virus control as a problem “national existence” may have eliminated large outbreaks until now.

While North Korea can experience large deaths if it does not quickly receive international medical supply shipments, it is not clear whether the northern recognition of the plague communicates the willingness to receive external assistance.

South Korea’s rival has offered to send vaccines and other inventory, but officials Seoul said the North had not made such a request. But some experts said Kim’s comments last week during the other Politburo meeting, where he praised the response of Pandemi China and urged his officials to learn from him, showing that the North could be more willing to receive assistance from his main allies.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said last week that Beijing was ready to offer North Korean assistance but said he had no information about such a request.

Even when he called for stronger prevention steps to slow down the spread of Covid-19, Kim also stressed that the country’s economic goals must be met, which might mean a large group will continue to gather at the location of agriculture, industry and construction.

When accelerating the missile test in Binkmanship which aims to pressure the United States for economic and security concessions, Kim has wrestled with domestic challenges at home due to difficulties related to pandemic that releases further surprises in the economy solved by one decade of management errors and paralyzed in the US led by the US led by the US led by the U.S. Sanctions to the north, pushed him to the toughest moment since he took power in 2011.

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