Politics are a serious business. So much is at stake when dealing with the affairs of a government and country. Many political figureheads are seen as stodgy, serious, and lacking in any real depth. World events revolving around politics are often grave.

So, isn’t it great when you can take a minute to sit back and laugh about it all?

There’s a reason political cartoons are so popular – they make light of things that can be daunting.

Political humor can be the perfect antidote to ruminating too much over the government, a breath of fresh air.

If you’re looking to impart this type of laughter during your next get-together, consider hiring these entertainers.


Now more than ever political figures are held in the same regard as celebrities. We see them outside of the political arena in entertainment spaces, look to them for their personality outside of political talking points, and aren’t surprised when they pop up at award shows or on the big or small screen.

They are entities unto themselves, ones that are ripe for impersonating given the distinctive characteristics that are displayed by them in public.

Hire a Trump impersonator or someone to do their best Hilary Clinton to amp up the political humor at your next event.  

Not only do they cause chuckles, they can also get your guests involved in their act for a unique experience.


Some comedians make their life’s work riffing off what they see go down in the political arena. We see this in stand-up acts, as well as on late-night talk shows. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have helped marry entertainment with politics, particularly in heated timeframes like election years.

Many on-stage acts have made this connection as well. Comedic greats George Carlin and Lewis Black often spoke about politics, adding a biting tinge to their take on what was going on in the world.

Stand-up acts bring light to the subject, and can also get the audience involved in spirited debates.

Comedians can offer a different perspective in their sets as well. They might not only have people chuckling, but also thinking a little deeper about their own views on politics and how they fit into the world at large.


Much like comedians, these talented people have found a way to twist politics into the entertainment arena, both making light of a serious subject and sending a message through the way they view the subject and share it with the audience.

Some notable people include Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, and Rage Against the Machine.

You can find musical acts who write satirical songs about politics and politicians, and others who pen songs with serious messages. They may even cover some of the artists above to help make a point.

Overall, entertainers have a fantastic platform through which to share their views. Hiring them as part of your next event can leave guests laughing, creating memorable moments, and carrying bits of political discourse and introspection with them for some time to come.

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