Edward Snowden is a denunciator of the United States who disclosed several highly classified information from the NSA in 2013. Meanwhile, he was subcontractor and CIA employee. The result of its denunciation was the publication of several global surveillance programs which have been managed by the National Security Agency and others which were led with some of the European governments. His actions were unknown before having done so. Two days after his denunciator, he fled to Moscow. A month later, the Russian government granted him asylum and allowed him to stay at least until 2022.

Private Life

Edward Snowden was born Edward Joseph Snowden on June 21, 1983. His hometown is Elizabeth City in North Carolina. His mother Elizabeth is committed in the American district of Maryland. Her father, Loonie was an officer of the Coast Guard. In 2001, his parents divorced and Loonie, his father, remarried. He had mononucleosis in high school, which made him be absent for nine months. Instead of returning to school, he decided to graduate online at the University of Liverpool.

She is a really versatile person and he likes language. He even studied the Japanese language at some point. At the age of 20, he listed Buddhism as his religion in the form of military recruitment. During the presidential elections which took place in 2008, he supported the third party candidate even if he had sympathies for Obama. At the same time, he was strongly opposed to George W. Bush. After his departure from the United States, he married his girlfriend Lindsay Mills in a courthouse in Russia. His current residence is unknown.


During the war in Iraq, he enlisted the soldiers to help free people who felt oppressed by the Iraqi government. However, a bad luck led him to break both legs in an accident during training. He was released the same year. In 2006, he agreed to come and work for the CIA. He was assigned to the World Communications Division in Virginia. He was on many diplomatic tasks in Europe, especially Switzerland. In a computer magazine, he said that he was not working too hard to find a job, because people consider him a computer genius.

In 2013, for unknown reasons, he disclosed some of the secret files from many different countries. For example, according to the official declaration of the United Kingdom, he published around 58,000 files. In addition, a source of the Australian government says that it has disclosed more than 15,000 secret files. He is considered the most popular denunciator in the world. In 2019, he published a book entitled “Permanent Record” in which he talks about his work in CIA and him which flees some of the most important documents.

Net Worth

According to several sources, its net value estimated in 2022 is $ 8.4 million. It is difficult to say from which jobs he made his richness, but we can surely say that his CIA operating work has a large part.

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