Security forces seem to have recaptured the main streets of Kazakhstan on Friday after days of violence, and the President supported by Russia said he had ordered his troops to shoot to kill to put the rebellion throughout the country.

The day after Moscow sent an umbrella inner to help destroy the rebellion, the police patrolled the streets of the debris, although some shots could still be heard.

Dozens have died and public buildings throughout Kazakhstan have been searched and burned in the worst violence, the former Soviet Republic experienced 30 years of independence.

Moscow said more than 70 aircraft transported Russian troops to Kazakhstan, and that this now helped control Almaty’s main airport, was arrested again on Thursday from protesters.

The rebellion has encouraged military intervention by Moscow during high tensions in east-west as Russia and the United States preparing for next week’s talk to the Ukrainian crisis.

Kazakh Kassim-Jomart President Tokayev blamed terrorists trained abroad for riots, without providing evidence.

“The militants have not put their arms, they continue to commit a crime or prepare them,” said Tokayev, 68, said in the address broadcast on television.

“Anyone who doesn’t give up will be destroyed. I have given orders to law enforcement agencies and soldiers to shoot to kill, without warning.”

The demonstration began in response to the increase in fuel prices but swelled into a broad movement of the government and former President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Nazarbayev, 81, is the longest ruler of every Soviet state until he handed over the presidency to Tokayev in 2019. His family is widely believed to have maintained the influence in Nur-Sultan, the capital built in his name. .

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the situation with Tokayev in several telephone calls during the crisis, Kremlin said on Friday.

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