Violet Evergarden is written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase. This is a light Japanese novel that won the grand prize at the fifth Romanesque segment of Kyoto Animation Award in 2014. The best animation price was given in 2019 at Crunchyroll Anime Awards. Very appreciated and found as one of the watches of interest, the season was a big success.

Despite a good response season, two were not officially confirmed.

A film named Violet Evergreen had to be launched in April 2020, but the current situation of the Corona virus delayed the launch of the same thing. Although there is no official announcement when the film will be published, but like all the other projects, we expect to see it in 2021.

If we try to be optimistic and think there will be a two season, the story must connect the history of the season one. Season Two, if this happens should start with the season a left. The season we were very appreciated for its explicit narrative skills and the same thing must be seen during the two season. In the first season, we saw that the story is linked to memory dolls. It is a history of struggles of an army’s ex-soldier who begins to write articles affecting all aspects of life. Violet Evergarden is a saga of reintegration of society after the war.

The distribution and team of the two season should have Yuhikawa in the pivotal nature of purple, Minako Kotobuki like Isabella and Aoi Yuuki like Taylor. Apart from these, we can see Takehito Koyasu like Claudia and Daisuke Namikawa like Gilbert. We are also expecting to see them all in the two season.

Until we can learn more about the series stay safely. We will keep you informed of any new information we learn from the production house.

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