As a nurse, your main job is to take care of your patients, but when was the last time you thought about taking care of yourself?  Self-care may not always be your top priority; after all, there is a shift pattern, extra shifts, family commitments, and a hundred other things you need to do every day before you get to yourself. However, you should not ignore self-care, and spending a few minutes per day looking after yourself can help you to avoid stress, sleep better and live a longer, healthier life. 

Take Your Breaks

This is something that a lot of nurses neglect during a busy shift, but taking your breaks can help you stay fit and alert whereas working through them can be exhausting. You may feel guilty when you go and get a coffee or have something to eat on your break, but your patients will feel the benefit of it when you get back and so will you.

Eat Healthily

You may not have a lot of time to eat, and grabbing a quick sugar fix can seem like a good solution at the time. However, this will lead to you feeling more tired. You may get a rush of sugar that will give you some energy but when it wears off, your blood sugar levels will drop, leaving you feeling more tired. Eating something such as nuts, oats, or fruit containing slow-releasing sugars will help you stay fuller and feel more energized for longer. 

Stay Hydrated

The importance of staying hydrated should not be ignored, especially as you are working in such a physical job and demanding job. Dehydration can lead to you making mistakes, it can affect your mood and eventually, it can kill you. Keep some water close at hand and take a sip whenever you can. Nobody wants their nurse to pass out on them through dehydration.


Working on a shift pattern can play havoc with your ability to sleep. Your body is programmed to sleep at night so trying to force yourself to go to sleep during the day can be almost impossible. This can be hardest if it is your first night shift for a while as your body has got back into a routine. Try to have a lay-in on your first night shift and take an afternoon nap if you can. This will make you stay alert for longer during that grueling first night shift. After that, your body may start to regulate itself into a more manageable pattern.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

If you have difficulty unwinding when you finish a shift, it can affect the rest of your day. This can lead to you feeling moody and irritable and you will not get a great night’s sleep. Get into the habit of practicing some relaxation techniques when you get home, so you are ready to go to sleep or enjoy the next part of your day. Yoga is a great form of exercise for both your body and your mind, and you only need to do it for about ten minutes at a time to feel the benefit. If you do not feel energetic enough, then using meditation to clear your mind will help you relax and de-stress. Breathing techniques are also a great way to help you unwind and you can even practice these in the car on the way home if you want to. 

Stay Connected with Family and Friends

It can be easy to let friendships slide if you have a busy work schedule but finding the time to pick up the phone or send a text is a great way to practice self-care. Finding someone to talk to about your day can help you to unwind and unburden yourself, and calling a friend who will make you laugh is a great way to get energy back into your body quickly as laughter will stimulate your organs. 

Find Time for Hobbies

Step out of work mode by finding time for your hobbies. You may find painting relaxing or enjoy going for long walks. Whatever it is, finding time to do the things you enjoy is important but, unfortunately, it is one of those things that gets puts at the bottom of the list when you are taking care of others. Make yourself a priority when you are not at work, and you will feel better for it. 


Exercise gets the blood pumping and releases endorphins that will naturally give you an energy boost and make you feel good. If you can’t face exercise after a busy shift, then concentrate on doing some on your days off instead. You do not have to spend hours in the gym to work out; go for a swim or a walk instead. Invite a friend to come with you and keep it social so it won’t even feel like you are exercising. 


Working on yourself is a great form of self-care. You might decide to plan for your future by taking an additional nursing qualification with Baylor University Online or you might opt for something totally different such as learning a language or writing a book. The brain is something that can be forgotten when you are working out the rest of your body, but it is an important organ too. 

Pamper Yourself

Sometimes you need a little pamper time to make you feel human again after a long week. Find some time to get your nails painted or go for a massage and you will feel amazing. If you can’t find the time or the energy for that, running yourself a candlelit bath with lots of bubbles can work wonders too. 

You can’t pour from an empty jug, so taking care of yourself is as important, if not more so, than taking care of your patients. It can be difficult when you are busy, but finding a little time for yourself can improve your mental and physical health and reduce your stress levels enormously.

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