Beijing: Solar Panel “wings” extended and two “eyes” of “eyes” pointing forward, China, Mars Rover Zhurong, hit a pose similar to a bird, as he explored the red planet in the photos released by the space agency of the country on Friday.
The Touchdown of Zhurong in May was the first successful landing of the probe by any country in his first Mars mission, a milestone in the ascent of China to the state of spatial superpower.

The Rover, which bears the name of a mythical Chinese God, has been studying the topography of a vast plain of Lava Martian known as Utopia Planitia.

The photos published by the National Space Administration of China showed tracks on the red soil left by Zhurong, which the agency described as “China Print”, after driving to the planet’s surface forms a landing platform adorned with a large flag China.

It is expected that the Zhurong of 240 kilograms (530 pounds) of six wheels (530 pounds) spend three months taking pictures, reaping geographical data and collecting rock samples.

The space agency said on Friday that the “engineering tasks of Mars mission were carried out without problems as planned”, and that the team was currently “in good condition”.

China has now sent astronauts into space, probes propelled to the moon and landed a rover in Mars, one of the most prestigious of all prizes in competition for space domain.

The United States and Russia are the only other countries that have reached Mars, and only the first one has operated a rover on the surface.

Several attempts from EE. UU, Russians and Europeans of Land Rovers on Mars have failed in the past, more recently in 2016 with the starry landing of the Russian-European Spaceship of Schiapepelli.

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